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Participants to the Pact

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ONE in FIVE campaign: seminar to combat sexual exploitation of children at local and regional level


As part of its contribution to the Council of Europe ONE in FIVE campaign, the Congress organised a seminar in Strasbourg, France, on 9 February 2012 (Palais de l’Europe, room 5). It gathered a panel of experts, grassroots players and local and regional elected representatives. The aim of the Congress is to propose, on the basis of the experiences presented, model bodies to be set up at local and regional level to prevent the sexual exploitation of children and to protect and support victims and their families. The seminar was opened by Maud de Boer Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Keith Whitmore, President of the Congress, and Emin Yeritsyan, President of the Congress Current Affairs Committee. Those wishing to take part in the seminar must register by 6 February 2012 at the latest.

POWERPOINT Presentations

Maud de Boer-Buquicchio: ''The Congress and its members have a key role to play in combating sexual violence against children''

calendar 09/02/2012

''Through the Lanzarote Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation, we should like governments to commit themselves to eliminating this scourge. Through the ONE in FIVE Campaign, we want it to become a matter of concern to everyone'', said Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, Deputy Secretary General of the...
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Keith Whitmore: ''The prevention of sexual violence against children requires the commitment of local and regional authorities''

calendar 09/02/2012

''Local and regional authorities play probably the most important role in dealing with cases of sexual abuse and violence against children. Governments and parliaments may legislate and provide us with legal texts to guide our work, but it is we, at the local and regional levels, who are closest to the victims. It is to local...
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